
How to install for Mstone

싸후이 2011. 3. 11. 17:40
메일 성능 테스트 프로그램 mstone 설치법 임당..... cent os base 입니다.
ubuntu 나 혹은 다른 os 도 의존성 패키지만 설치하면 잘 설치 됩니다.

0. required
>yum install gd
>yum install gnuplot

1. install cmake
require gcc-c++ package, if uninstalled >yum install gcc-c++
>tar zxvf cmake-2.8.0-Linux-i386.tar.gz
>cd cmake-2.8.0-Linux-i386
>cp -R * /usr

2. install mstone ,  URL :
> tar mstone-version.tar.gz
> cd mstone-version
> ccmake CMakeLists.txt ( type "c" and type "g" )
> make
> make install

3. setup
> cd /usr/local/mstone
> ./mstone setup

4. configuration

5. where is mail data ?

if add *.msg files....
create /usr/local/mstone/data/yourfile.msg
/usr/local/mstone/mstone setup

6. test
> ./mstone smtp -t 10s -l 30 -b "100s model smtp test, version 1.0.0"
-t time          Test time.  s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours
-l load          Number of test clients to use.
-b 'banner'      Test description banner.